We all love watching the great acts on the talent shows and once they start, you can usually tell how good the act is going to be. Well here’s one that threw me for a loop. Her violin routine got two judges to turn immediately but that was just a warm-up: the real show was when she started to sing.Bente van der Steeg is was on The Voice Kids – Holland before she as even a teenager. This young, very talented girl stepped onto the stage with a violin and it appeared she was going to give the judges an instrumental.

And when the music starts, she begins a flawless version of the theme from the movie Titanic, the box office smash with Leonardo Di Caprio and Kate Winslet. Her violin is so good two judges immediately hit their buzzers.
But then in a wild twist, she leans into the microphone and begins an incredible version of the movie’s theme song, Celine Dion’s iconic “My Heart Will Go On.” And the other two judges immediately hit their buzzers after acknowledging that she is super-talented! Watch the full video below and please leave us a Facebook comment to let us know what you thought!
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