American Idol experienced moments a few months ago that no doubt all regular viewers of the program will remember for life. The TV show, which brings together the best voices of the American scene to discover and which ends up being launched towards stardom, met a moving story behind one of the contestants on this occasion.

This is the case of Brandon Elder. Before giving his voice to the public and the jury, the young man spoke of his adoptive mother. Brandon was adopted at 10 months old because his birth mother traded him for a car. Yes, as you have read. Patricia Elder is his guardian angel, and always will be. Patricia left. But she pulled herself together, Brandon played guitar and sang for her so her mother wouldn’t suffer, and when she left he gave her a song he wrote, “Gone”, which is translated as “You’ve Gone”. . This would be the song that catapulted him to stardom.

The judges confirmed it. Everyone fell in love with the song, and now we can’t wait to hear more about the history and future of this artist track.